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Unforgettable Horror Films You've Never Seen

Reading Time
6 Minutes
Word Count
1260 Words
Sep 5, 2022

A quick surf around the internet will find you multiple authoritative rankings of the 100 best horror films of all time. However, if you watch one of those a night, you'll be done in under four months. Not exactly enough to last through the next lock-down. Search a bit more and you'll find collections of indie darlings by acclaimed directors that can last you through another month. Then you'll be on your own again. Sitting down to watch another group of British hikers getting lost in the woods and fighting a lingering uncertainty that you've seen this movie before, and not just eight other movies with the same bland characters and premise.

I can't promise you that the films that I will profile are good. Some of them are hidden gems. Many others are execrable. However, they are all truly unforgettable. Unique ideas, boffo performances, inexplicable decisions, genuine surprises, stomach churning terror. All fresh and new to you.

Caveat: Combined, these films contain nearly every possible transgression you can imagine, as well as several that you have yet to fathom. As I review films, I will do my best to warn you of the content in each film. However, if I haven't reviewed the film yet, it's not my fault when you skip ahead and see someone engaged in intercourse with masonry (three unrelated films contain this).

Glorious Disaster [1/10]

I feel that it's more important to watch bad films than good ones. In the hands of a master of the craft, all the piece come together in an orchestra that permanently imprints on our psyche. In a bad film, though, the parts don't sync quite correctly and you see behind the curtain. The editors, foley artists, designers, boom-mike operators, gaffers, key grips, and honeytruck drivers that make a major picture possible. All the pieces of the cinematic orchestra that must come together and blend into an invisible whole.

These are the films that failed. Producers who started a movie with the best of intentions and discovered that the task was simply beyond them. Films I submit to remind you that, as much as we might take pleasure in their failure, we cannot for a second presume that we could accomplish better.

DONE The Tooth Fairy

The Hard-R rated children's romantic horror comedy that no one asked for but we all deserved.

TODO Demon House

TODO Amityville Mt. Misery Road

TODO Doll Face

TODO 616 Paranormal Incident

TODO 616 Wilford Lane

TODO American Poltergeist - Curse of Lilith Ratchet

TODO 7 Deadly Sin

TODO Birth Rite

TODO Ouija House

Tongue in Cheek [0/5]

I've already discussed the myriad lurking threats to a film. Most filmmakers bring creativity and ingenuity to work around their limitations, but some obstacles cannot be overcome. Shoestring budgets and limited resource doom a film before it even begins. However, there are those who soldier one, fully recognising that they cannot make a good film, but they can still try and make a bad one.

This is a dangerous gambit and part of the reason this category is so small. When your best case scenario is utter failure, the slightest slip up can bring your film into the ultimate sin - utter mediocrity. You cannot make a bad film by being lazy at making a good one. It requires as much heart, stress, and effort as a successful film and these are the instances where the effort paid off.

TODO The Black Room

TODO Curse of the Nun

TODO Stange Events 2

TODO Ouija Shark

TODO Creep Van

Brilliant Concept [1/26]

We know all the standard horror starts. A middle class family moves into their new dream home, not realising that it holds an unexpected secret. A group of teenagers head out to the woods to complain about each other before they're slaughtered off. Privileged American tourists in Eastern Europe pay the price for their arrogance.

However, sometime a films comes a long with creativity. A situation no one could have prepared for. Characters doing their best while always missing fundamental information about the dangers. Films where genre savvy won't save you, since they made their own sub-genre.


You've seen Snakes on a Plane, but can you handle Sharks in a Grocery Store?

TODO They're Watching

TODO Bad Ben

TODO Stay Out Stay Alive

TODO Itsy Bitsy

TODO The Stairs

TODO The Sand

TODO Clown

TODO On Halloween

TODO The Alpha Test

TODO Ankle Biters

TODO The Girl in the Crawlsapce

TODO Halloween Party

TODO The Sitter

TODO Apocalypse Cult

TODO Death of a Vlogger

TODO The Taking of Deborah Logan

TODO There are monsters

TODO Carnival of Fear

TODO The Endless

TODO Creep

TODO Superhost

TODO Do Not Reply

TODO Elevator

TODO Truth of Dare

TODO Get Gone

Craftsmanship [0/20]

Old familiar tropes are often old and familiar because they work. They touch us on levels we don't wish to confront and probe our fundamental fears. The protean terrors that morph and mutate as our culture changes, but, like a good slasher villain, always find a new way to return, even if they look a little different this time.

These are the films that take the stories we all know and remind us what made them scary in the first place.

TODO Video X - The Dwayne and Darla-Jean Story

TODO Paranormal Prison

TODO Ouija Expirment, Ouija Deadly Reunion, & The Ouija Resurrection

TODO Death of a Ghost Hunter

TODO Evan Straw

TODO Haunt

TODO Heidi

TODO The Manor

TODO Restoration

TODO Hooked Up

TODO Horror in the High Desert

TODO Last Radio Call

TODO The Haunting of the Tower of London

TODO The Overnight

TODO Pet Graveyard

TODO The Curse of Sleeping Beauty

TODO A Haunting at Silver Falls

TODO Amityville Asylum


TODO The Fear Footage

Brilliant Performance [0/6]

Gene Siskel once started that we should demand that a movie be more interesting than filming the cast having dinner together. Stack a film with enough charismatic, talented performers and you can produce memorable cinema, even if the story is utter dreck. This category is dedicated to the films where an actor put in the effort, even if the screenwriter didn't.

TODO Digging to Death

TODO Blood Pi

TODO Slayed

TODO Penance Lane

TODO I Live Alone

TODO The Maze

Too big [0/27]

As my objective was to provide you with films you haven't seen before, I've not included several films that are more likely to appear on other lists you might find. However, these films still aren't approaching The Shining or Saw in the public conciousness. Only a dedicate fan would have bothered to seek out most of them. I may sprinkle some of these into the mix as we

TODO Silent Night, Deadly Night - Part 2

TODO Train to Busan

TODO Graven Encounters

TODO Hansel & Gretel

TODO The Bay

TODO Await Further Instructions

TODO Mayhem

TODO The Boy

TODO The Closet

TODO Better Watch Out

TODO Blood Fest

TODO The Babysitter

TODO Tragedy Girls

TODO The Poughkeepsie Tapes

TODO All Cheerleader Die

TODO Stephanie

TODO Little Monsters

TODO The Stylist

TODO Splinter

TODO Night of the Demons

TODO Thankskilling

TODO The Pyramid

TODO The Limehouse Golem

TODO Wishmaster

TODO Noah's Shark

TODO Baby Oopsie

TODO Deep Dark

Brenton Thwaites [0/4]

Every time you watch a movie and the lead actor is terrible, remember that they could have cast Brenton Thwaites. The man continually turns in brilliant performance in amazing movies that no one talks about.

TODO Office Uprising

TODO Oculus

TODO The Signal

TODO Ghosts of War